Stellar Kart Concertos

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Estatísticas ao vivo

Músicas populares

Top 10 músicas mais tocadas por Stellar Kart nos ultimos 40 shows.

Perfil da Setlist

As músicas que serão tocadas ao vivo são do album:

Próxima Setlist

Quanto tempo dura o show?

Stellar Kart subirão no palco em aproximadamente 0:54. Aqui há probable setlist baseada em shows anteriores (14% probability):

Nome da Mísica
  1. All Gas. No Brake. cover Life Is Good
  2. Expect The Impossible cover Innocent
  3. Everything Is Different Now cover Something Holy
  4. We Can't Stand Sitting Down cover Activate
  5. Everything Is Different Now cover We Shine
  6. no cover A Whole New World
  7. Expect The Impossible cover Shine Like the Stars
  8. Expect The Impossible cover Automatic
  9. We Can't Stand Sitting Down cover Me and Jesus
  10. Encore #1

  11. Everything Is Different Now cover Spirit in the Sky

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Artistas semelhantes

  1. Sold Out
  2. Drops in the Ocean
  3. Diamonds
Hawk Nelson Photo

Hawk Nelson

  1. Wake Up! Wake Up!
  2. Let's Go Back - Wake Up! Wake Up! Album Version
  3. Best Night Of Our Lives - Best Night Of Our Lives Album Version
Everyday Sunday Photo

Everyday Sunday

  1. His Favorite Christmas Story
  2. Outrage
  3. Say Hey
Capital Lights Photo

Capital Lights

  1. Confidence
  2. My God Is Still The Same
  3. Today Tomorrow & Forever
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Sanctus Real

  1. Appalachian Wine
  2. Holding Out
  3. Mascot
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  1. We Found Love (Acoustic Cover)
  2. The Alchemist
  3. I Can't Stand To Fall
Philmont Photo


  1. My Sweet Escape
  2. We've Only Just Begun
  3. One In A Million
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Run Kid Run

  1. All Along
  2. Under the Starlight
  3. Take Cover
Remedy Drive Photo

Remedy Drive

  1. Undo
  2. When Our Hearts Sings
  3. Your Love
Rush of Fools Photo

Rush of Fools

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