David Wilcox Concertos

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Estatísticas ao vivo

Músicas populares

Top 10 músicas mais tocadas por David Wilcox nos ultimos 40 shows.

Perfil da Setlist

As músicas que serão tocadas ao vivo são do album:

Próxima Setlist

Ouça a Playlist do Próximo Concerto (atualizada após cada data da turnê):

Quanto tempo dura o show?

David Wilcox subirão no palco em aproximadamente 1:28. Aqui há probable setlist baseada em shows anteriores (71% probability):

Nome da Mísica
  1. Over 60 Minutes With... cover Somethin's Shakin'
  2. The Best Of David Wilcox cover Bad Reputation
  3. The Best Of David Wilcox cover Downtown Came Uptown
  4. King Bee cover (My Eyes) Keep Me in Trouble (Muddy Waters cover)
  5. Rhythm Of Love cover Rattlesnakin' Daddy
  6. Greatest Hits Too cover Rockin' the Boogie
  7. Out Of The Woods cover Cheap Beer Joint
  8. Out Of The Woods cover Do the Bearcat
  9. My Eyes Keep Me In Trouble cover Freeze to Me
  10. Out Of The Woods cover Bad Apple
  11. The Best Of David Wilcox cover Hot, Hot Papa
  12. Breakfast At The Circus cover The Song He Never Wrote
  13. Over 60 Minutes With... cover Preachin' the Blues
  14. Encore #1

  15. Breakfast At The Circus cover Layin' Pipe
  16. The Best Of David Wilcox cover Riverboat Fantasy
  17. Out Of The Woods cover That Hypnotizin' Boogie

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