Cute Is What We Aim For Concertos

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Estatísticas ao vivo

Músicas populares

Top 10 músicas mais tocadas por Cute Is What We Aim For nos ultimos 40 shows.

Perfil da Setlist

As músicas que serão tocadas ao vivo são do album:

Próxima Setlist

Quanto tempo dura o show?

Cute Is What We Aim For subirão no palco em aproximadamente 0:57. Aqui há probable setlist baseada em shows anteriores (34% probability):

Nome da Mísica
  1. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover Newport Living
  2. Rotation cover Practice Makes Perfect
  3. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover There's a Class for This
  4. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover Finger Twist & Split
  5. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover Risqué
  6. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover Sweat the Battle Before the Battle Sweats You
  7. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover The Fourth Drink Instinct
  8. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover Sweet Talk 101
  9. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover The Curse of Curves
  10. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover Moan
  11. The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch cover Teasing to Please (Left Side, Strong Side)

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